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User guide

  • Selecting, displaying products, changing between new and used parts

    Selecting and displaying products is controlled from the gray button in the menu on the left.

    Selection starts by selecting a series, then selecting a car model, that belongs to the selected series. The main categories will now be displayed. Categories in red indicate that at least one product, that fits on the selected series and model, is available in the given category. Only new products are displayed per default, if you want to show only used products, you can choose this by clicking on the button: "Show used parts". (Click the button "Show new parts", to get back to the new parts catalogue)

    You can now choose to click on one of the main categories, and the product groups belonging to the selected category will be shown in the top of the screen. You can then select one of the product groups or scroll down to see the products in a list view.

    When you want to add a product to the shopping basket, you click on the icon of a shopping basket, next to the quantity text box. If you want to see more details about a product, click on the button "Show detailed".

  • Guides and information

    Below the gray buttons in the menu on the left, are links to the front page, guides and information.

  • Login

    In the top of the page you will find a menu, where you can create a user profile (Necessary to complete purchase), read about Schmiedmann, see styling/tuning projects, press and various other content.

    In the menu "Login / logout" you can choose to log in or log out. Any part of the web site that requires you to be logged in, to view the content, will also include the option to create a user profile.

    The advantage of having created a user profile is the option to buy products from Schmiedmann. The web site will automatically store the information you add in the user profile, so you do not have to enter them again, the next time you log in to the web site. This ensure that you as a customer, will have to do as little text input as possible.

    When you are logged in, in the top of the page, under the menu "Logout", you are able to select "My information", this page displays the information entered in your user profile, you are able to edit, update and save the information here.

  • Shopping basket and searching.

    The shopping basket is displayed near the top of the screen, in the left side, where quantity and amount total is updated, as you add or remove products to the basket.

    Below the gray menu buttons in the left side of the page, you will find the search field. This field allows you to search for products, using a parts number or a product description. To go directly to the search page, click on the link "Advanced search".
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FREE freight for orders above 167.50 € incl VAT within EU*
*Only orders that does not contain voluminous parts. For orders below 167.50 € or with voluminous parts we still have very low prices on freight and we are faster than you expect! try us out !

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